(703) 683-6103
MON - FRI: 7 AM - 8 PM
SAT: 8 AM - 5 PM
SUN: 10AM - 3PM

Thank you for your interest in our Pickup & Delivery Service. Please use the following instructions below when creating an online account. You may find it easier to open a new window in your browser and following the instructions below as you create the account. Click the button below to create an account in a new browser window.
(Note: If you are an existing Yates Dry Cleaning customer, we have already created an online account for you. If you would like to sign up for our Free Pickup & Delivery Service, please read these instructions and log in to edit your account.)
Step #1
Please complete the required fields (including phone number) on this first page. We will use your email address and phone number to send you notifications about your order and delivery status.
A Referral Code or Promo Code is not required.

Step #2
On the next page, please select "Free Home/Office Pickup & Delivery" if you would like us to pickup your orders or "Our Stores" if you plan to drop off and pick up your order at our store.

Step #3
On the next page, please provide the address at which you would like us to pickup and deliver your orders.

Step #4
On the next page, please provide your credit card information. We will automatically charge your credit card for the garments we pickup and a monthly pickup/delivery charge of $19.95 will automatically be added to your first route order of each month. (You will not be charged this pickup/delivery charge for any month you do not use our delivery service.) With this online account you will be able to view invoices and change your payment information if necessary. We will not charge your account until you use our service - there is no monthly minimum or subscription.

Step #5
On the next page, please feel free to provide any additional comments. If you have a preferred pickup/dropoff location (e.g. carport door), please include that information here. If you don't have any, please just click "Continue."

Step #6
On the final page, simply review the information to ensure it's correct and then click the Save button.
Once you complete your online account, you will receive a confirmation email and we will follow up with additional information about your pickup/dropoff days.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call 703-683-6103 or email yourfriends@yatesdrycleaning.com.
Thank you!