(703) 683-6103
MON - FRI: 7 AM - 8 PM
SAT: 8 AM - 5 PM
SUN: 10AM - 3PM

Neighborhoods We Currently Serve
Old Town | Del Ray | Rosemont | Beverly Hills | Braddock Heights | John Carlyle | Chinquapin Village | Warwick Village | Potomac Yards | College Park/Clover | Chapel Hill | Seminary Hill | Belle Haven | Belle View
Don’t spend another minute going to the cleaners! We will come to you! Experience our convenient Pick Up and Delivery Service and you will never go back to those trips to the cleaners. It’s simple and easy. Here’s how it works:
Put the items you want cleaned in the express bag we provide, and on your pickup day, leave it in a pre-determined area of your choice (front, side, or back door, porch, garage…) on your pick up day.
Our driver will come by, pick up the items you’ve left for us, and deliver any finished items.
We will professionally clean, press, and package your items and return them to you in 3 days.
Your credit card will be automatically billed and an invoice will be attached to each order. If you have a question or a special request, you can attach a note to your pick up order or contact the driver or store directly.
The monthly pickup/delivery charge of $19.95 will automatically be added to your first route order of each month and you will not be charged for any month you do not use our delivery service.
For more information on Pick Up and Delivery check out our Question & Answer page.
If you are a new Yates Dry Cleaning customer, please read the sign up instructions and create an account.
If you are an existing Yates Dry Cleaning customer, an online account has been made for you. If you would like to sign up for our Pickup & Delivery Service, please read the login instructions and edit your online account.
If you are an existing Yates Dry Cleaning Delivery customer, you may log in to your account here.